
Here, I put an idea under the microscope and study it in some detail. These ideas may be related to society, history, mentality, technology, and other topics that I care about and write about from my point of view.

Tech Challenges in Syria - (2) Unfair Web & Economic Restraints

Tech challenges in Syria (2): Unfair web & economic restraints

[متوفر باللغة العربية من هنا] Ten years have passed since the start of the Syrian war. This war, however, was not the only burden that affected the Syrian people, but the external restraints and internal ramifications have been causing more challenges on many levels. We’ve started a series of articles to list those challenges concerning …

Tech challenges in Syria (2): Unfair web & economic restraints Read More »

Tech challenges in Syria (1): Restriction of services & learning sources

[This study is available in both Arabic & English languages] Syria suffered from serious challenges within the technology field during the last ten years, and whether those challenges were a result of the increasing international restraints on Syria or internal circumstances, they had a negative impact on tech development and affected Syria’s global presence. All …

Tech challenges in Syria (1): Restriction of services & learning sources Read More »